Five Small Details That Can Make or Break Your Next Corporate Event

When planning and coordinating a massive event for thousands of attendees and managing all the behind-the-scenes actions - it all comes down to the details. At Creative Day, with decades of combined experience in event planning - we know this all too well! 

It takes years of experience to learn lessons - of failures and successes to know what works. Even more complicated is - no one event is the same. You’ve got to always be on top of your game for things to go off without a hitch. 

If you’re new to event planning, this is your ultimate guide. Here, we’ll cover the most practical corporate event planning tips to help your next event go smoothly. Keep reading to learn more about managing the small things to achieve big success. 

Corporate Event Planning Tips: Five Details to Pay Attention To 

Since the pandemic, corporate in-person events are slowly but surely returning to nearly every industry. In fact, just last year, an average of 65% of companies worldwide experienced an upswing in spending on meetings and events, according to Amex

So if you’re planning an event for your corporate company and are just getting back into the swing of things, let’s remind ourselves of five details to help your event run smoothly. Our list of corporate event planning tips can make or break your next corporate event. 

#1: Clearly Defined Roles 

First and foremost, you can best handle the small details by ensuring a point person is assigned to nearly anything and everything. By directly assigning responsibility and building an event org chart of sorts, everyone involved knows their part, and roles can be best organized per location, need, or other factors at an event. 

For instance, if you’re assigning someone to a position or task that might be needed at overlapping times, you can work this out prior to the event rather than figuring it out when you need it the most. 

Often, smaller events have a smaller crew, with people taking on multiple responsibilities. In this case, assigning backup members to support when one is unavailable can be helpful in times of need or crisis. Also, always be sure to designate who’s in “decision-making” roles or the hierarchy of how to make in-the-moment decisions when necessary. 

#2: Travel Schedule Coordination 

Coordinating travel schedules is a crucial corporate event planning tip. By meticulously planning and managing the travel arrangements for the speakers or guests attending, you can be sure that - 

  • The guest is comfortable and on the same page 
  • The guest will be set to arrive on time with clear-set instructions 
  • Your event will not face any delays 

For participants to arrive on time and without any stress from their travels, they’ll be ready to engage in the event fully. This proactive approach minimizes delays and disruptions, facilitating a seamless experience for all involved. Effective travel coordination involves several key elements, including -

  1. Arranging transportation to and from the airports or hotels.
  2. Booking accommodations.
  3. Providing clear communication regarding travel itineraries. 
  4. Allowing for plenty of rest, i.e., don’t book the cheapest flight, but the one that’ll be best for timing. 

This helps avoid last-minute hiccups and enhances the overall attendee experience, reflecting positively on the organization’s professionalism and attention to detail. To go beyond, before booking any travel, it can help to touch base with your VIPs to see if they require any special accommodations (such as allergies or handicaps) or preferences (aisle, middle, window, seat, etc.). 

#3: Crew Accommodations 

At a corporate event, you have to take care of more than just the attendees; you also have to take care of the crew executing the event! That means blocking off time for crew meals and breaks and making sure that they’re aware of where to get the grub, too. So, if you’re not having the venue provide meals for your crew, draw up a guide to nearby vendors where they can venture out on their own easily and efficiently. 

Always remember that any attendee will have contact with the tech, A/V, or event support crew. So, keeping them happy and not hangry is a small but important detail. Behind the scenes, you can go above and beyond with a crew station of necessities such as snacks, drinks, toiletries, etc. to be sure they’ve got everything they need without any distractions or breaks to go and retrieve it. 

#4: Production Details 

Take it from seasoned event veterans: there’s nothing worse than getting down to the final wire and realizing you’re missing a connector, plug, or crucial piece of the production process. That means as soon as you’ve pinned down a production plan or budget, it’s time to start planning the small details of logistics. 

So many event planners or project managers don’t send the production packet to the AV team until the very last second. Things tend to change over time, and it’s often a piece of the event that is most subject to review and input. Of course, delaying this puts the production at risk of losing time to prepare properly for the event technologically. 

Our best corporate event planning tip to avoid this is to start sending production details to your crew when it’s nearing its final draft. At the halfway or ¾ point, they can begin weighing in on details of the production that might not work and start preparing on their end to provide their input. 

This can help not only with equipment issues, in the hours leading up to the event but with helping everyone be on the same page for seamless coordination and execution. 

#5: Communication Matters 

Last but certainly not least is staying in communication with everyone involved before, during, and even after the event. Along with clearly defining roles, providing contact information and making introductions among key groups of event players will help nurture comfortable relationships to support one another when the time comes. 

On the same note, de-briefing post-event can help you be even more successful with your future events. Whether you personally touch base with event staff afterward or prepare a post-event survey to be sent, it’s important to capture the good and the bad of the event while its fresh in their minds. 

This way, you can address anything that went awry immediately or with future planning, applaud where things went right, and be sure to do the same in the future. A few tips to help support healthy communication during events include: 

  1. Use Technology: Utilize communication tools such as walkie-talkies, event management apps, or instant messaging platforms for real-time updates and coordination.
  2. Create a Central Hub: Set up a central command center or hub where information is collected, processed, and disseminated. This ensures that there is a single source of truth.
  3. Checklists and Schedules: Provide detailed checklists and schedules to each team member. This helps in keeping track of tasks and timelines, reducing the risk of forgetting important details.
  4. Regular Updates: Schedule regular check-ins and updates throughout the event. This helps in addressing any issues promptly and keeping everyone informed about any changes.
  5. Emergency Protocols: Develop and communicate clear emergency procedures. Ensure that all crew members know what to do in case of an emergency.
  6. Feedback Mechanism: Encourage open feedback during and after the event. This helps in identifying communication gaps and improving future events.
  7. Training: Provide training sessions on effective communication, use of technology, and problem-solving skills to ensure the crew is well-prepared.
  8. Visual Aids: Use visual aids like maps, layouts, and signage to assist with navigation and task execution, reducing the need for verbal communication.
  9. Bilingual Staff: If your event includes international participants, have bilingual staff members to bridge any language barriers.

The Final Word: Corporate Event Planning Tips 

Of course, learning these corporate event planning tips is only the start of success. Having the right partners by your side and in place to execute your plan is crucial. Look no further than Creative Day for all your corporate event planning needs, from strategy to technology. 

We go beyond being a technology provider and act as an extension of your team, working closely with planners on these small details to facilitate the planning process. Our services encompass the involvement of producers, scriptwriters, videographers, graphic creators, and audiovisual engineers to enhance the overall impact of your event.

Learn more about our history, work, services, and more by contacting our team to start planning your next success.