Creative Staff Spotlight: Jana

October 26, 2022

Creative Day is excited to welcome Jana White as our Senior Project Coordinator. Jana will be on the administrative side of our business and will assist both PMs and the Accounting Department in day-to-day operations. Working 25+ years in AudioVisual administration, Jana’s role as a Project Coordinator in live events will be just another challenge she is excited to take on.

“I look forward to working with Management and my other co-workers to provide excellent service to my team, clients, and our freelancers,” says Jana.

Jana’s hobbies revolve around sports fitness and her love for animals! Most of her free time, she spends in a gym, or yoga studio, or playing and watching sports. Most recently she has picked up golf and bowling. Her hobbies come as no surprise when considering she earned a degree at the University of New Mexico on a softball scholarship.

The Whites are a family of the industry. Jana is proud that she and her husband (a valued Project Manager in live events) have raised two wonderful children, both inherited her passion for sports and became collegiate athletes. Jana’s son has followed in his parent's footsteps and is an AudioVisual Integration Technician, their daughter is a Physical Education Teacher.

“We are so proud to say we raised respectful, hardworking, and all-around great people,” says Jana.

Jana’s adoring family extends to her two dogs, Moe and Bear, and her grand-dog Chip. All of whom are always welcome at the office!

The people and culture at Creative Day are what reeled Jana in. “I feel so lucky to work with such an amazing, fun, and talented group of people who have a wealth of knowledge and are rock stars in this industry,” Jana admits. Creative Day is thrilled to have Jana’s influence to develop this new position and add to the success of Creative Day.

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